Giving at Zion |
What does it mean to give to Zion?
It means that you are giving to God. When you give money, time, or talents to the church, God is the one who has crafted them and encouraged them along the way. When you give of your time, you are taking time out of your busy schedule to be fully present with God, and for God. When you give of your talents, you are spreading God's love and creativity with others and giving to God what God has given to you. When you give money to the church, you are giving to support God in many ways, and by sharing what God has given you. When you do give money to Zion - where does it go? First and foremost - it goes to the work God is doing at, in, and through Zion It goes to the ministries that Zion has, including: Sunday School for All ages, Youth Group, Mission Trips, the Kewanee Food Pantry, Visitation of the home bound and sick, prayer, WELCA, Vacation Bible School, worship, College and military gift cards and care packages, and so much more. So Why should I give? We give because God first gave to us, and because we are called to share in God's good creation as Stewards of this world, not to take advantage of it, but to help it thrive, and share God's good news, Jesus Christ, through all the world. If you would like to give online you can do so by clicking the button below and giving a one time donation, or creating an account, which will connect with you through email, where you can set up to give weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or annually. If you have any questions about signing up please contact Chris Hughes, or Sarah Titlow. |